“The Gay Bachelor” Is Apparently Lying About A Failed Non-Profit He Doesn’t Even Run

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“The Gay Bachelor” Is Apparently Lying About A Failed Non-Profit He Doesn’t Even Run


Yes, he really is a prince among men: Robert Sepulveda Jr., star of a new dating-reality show, is a little dodgy with the facts on a nonprofit he says he runs. Or ran? It’s hard to untangle.

First, a little backstory: MTV arranged for a group of conventionally attractive gay clones to spend a few weeks performing a courtship ritual, with the results to be broadcast on Logo.

Related: WATCH: “Gay Bachelor” Robert Sepulveda Jr. Addresses Escorting Past: “I Was Young”

This idea is itself bizarre, as pointed out years ago by a Funny or Die video that predicted all the men would simply hook up with each other. The Funny or Die video features a cameo by Lance Bass, who’s also the host of the actual dating show, so who even knows what’s satire anymore.

Anyway, the gay bachelor (on the real show) is a guy named Robert Sepúlveda, who seems to have been an escort at some point. There was a lot of mock outrage about this news, which is really no big deal — oh, a sexy gay guy used his body to his advantage? Stop the presses.

But then Robert started trying to minimize his sex worker past, which is a bit of a bummer and kind of sex-negative. Whatever, it’s his life, and if he doesn’t want to talk about it, fine.

Related: Should “Finding Prince Charming” Acknowledge Robert Sepúlveda Jr.’s Escorting Past?

The pivot, though, raises some eyebrows. In trying to change the subject, he brought up his work with an Atlanta nonprofit that tried to get some rainbow crosswalks painted. They were slightly successful — some temporary crosswalks went in, then disappeared — so Robert’s group gave the money to a handful of other nonprofits that were able to actually make progress toward their mission statements.

The rainbow crosswalks nonprofit now seems to be shuttered, or at least isn’t doing any work anymore.

But: “I have a nonprofit,” he says in a promo video. So does he or doesn’t he? Well, he might’ve had one when they shot the video, since the nonprofit seems to have shut down shortly before filming started. The timeline’s muddy.

Either way, given the choice between talking about running a successful escort business or a failed nonprofit, we’d probably opt for the escort business.


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