Dress-Wearing Ken Doll Causes Bogus Controversy
Ken doll cake. Photo via KCRA.
Bakeries at the center of controversy surrounding LGBTQ issues is nothing new, but here’s a new one.
Related: Gay Baker Says Leave Antigay Bakers Alone
A Sacramento bakery posted a photo of a cake they made with a dress wearing Ken doll to Facebook and before long they were inundated with comments ranging from supportive to angered.
Co-owner of Freeport Bakery, Marlene Goetzeler, who posted the image, said she wasn’t expecting such a strong reaction.
“First, I was shocked, then I was surprised and then I was like, ‘Well, you can’t make everyone happy,’” she said.
Goetzeler said she deleted the negative comments, not wanting “the Facebook page to become a big drama.” She added that most of the feedback has been positive, and that some people have even come into the bakery to voice their support in person. She said she is grateful for that support.
Related: Barbie’s Dream Nightmare: Ken’s Gay Affair
The customer said they ordered the cake for their friend’s birthday and that it was all in good fun.
Watch an interview with Goetzeler about the cake in the video below.
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