HRC Joins Rally for Refugees This Sunday

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HRC Joins Rally for Refugees This Sunday

HRC will participate in a rally at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., this weekend on behalf of refugees entitled the DC Rally 4 Refugees.

HRC Global Director Ty Cobb will deliver remarks at the rally, and will focus on helping LGBTQ refugees flee dangerous areas and find freedom and safety in the United States. HRC members and supporters are welcomed and encouraged to join.

“Our support for refugees is crucial at this moment in our history,” said Cobb. “It seems that the forces trying to close our doors are growing stronger every day, and it is so important that we raise our voices in support of keeping those doors open to LGBTQ people and others who face persecution and violence abroad. We have always served as a refuge and a beacon for oppressed people and we cannot abandon that now.”

According to the event organizers, the the rally will “raise awareness about the global refugee crisis, and urge U.S. action — at home and overseas — to alleviate suffering through relief efforts and refugee resettlement.”

Events this week served as a gruesome reminder of the grim reality facing LGBTQ people in some parts of the world when four men were reportedly thrown from buildings in ISIL-controlled areas in Iraq, after having been accused of homosexuality. 

HRC recently released a document providing background on the situation facing LGBTQ Iraqis and Syrians under ISIL control, which included a series of recommendations for the U.S. government, the United Nations and others. The primary focus of those recommendations is helping LGBTQ people flee the most dangerous areas and find refuge in more LGBTQ-friendly places.

HRC also hosted a summit in June to focus attention on the issue, and issued recommendations for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program in May.

Organizers are spreading the word on social media using the hashtags #DCRally4Refugees and #StandForHumanity. More than 50 organizations are supporting the event, including HRC, HIAS, the International Rescue Committee, the International Refugee Assistance Program, Amnesty International USA, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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