This Gay Republican Hates Democrats So Much He’s Willing To Give Up His Rights To Defeat Them

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This Gay Republican Hates Democrats So Much He’s Willing To Give Up His Rights To Defeat Them


Meet Colton L. Buckley, a self-described “fiscally conservative, socially awesome” gay RNC delegate from Texas who doesn’t believe in gay marriage, hates Hillary Clinton and looks forward to meeting Jesus at the gates of Heaven so they can debate the merits of homosexuality.

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Buckley shared his political philosophies yesterday with Slate in a video interview that is mildly offensive, slightly amusing and truly befuddling.

“I may be probably one of the most conservative gay Republicans here because I don’t believe in same-sex marriage,” Buckley says. “As a gay man, I don’t believe the government should be handing out marriage licenses.”

Oh, but it gets better.

He also compares being a gay Republican to “being an African American in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s and ’60s.”

“It’s a long haul,” be says, “and we’ll continue that march!”

Related: Donald Trump Promises To Protect The LGBTQ Community, Twitter Reacts

And as for that darned GOP platform with all hateful homophobic rhetoric, Buckley’s not too concerned.

“I mean, there’s a slim, quarter-page of the platform that says, you know, ‘we don’t support same sex marriage, we don’t support these types of things, et cetera,’” he says, “but I would rather deal with a Republican who will say ‘I don’t necessarily agree with you’ than deal with someone who aligns himself with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.”

But our favorite part of the interview has to be when he talks about the impending conversation he plans on having with Jesus H. Christ.

“Me being a gay man in the Republican party and me being a Baptist, that is between me and Jesus Christ,” he says, “and when I get to Heaven and get to those gates, he and I will have that conversation.”

Watch the full interview below. Or don’t.

h/t: Slate

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