Neon Trees’ Out Frontman Tyler Glenn Condemns Mormon Leaders Over Gay Suicides

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Neon Trees’ Out Frontman Tyler Glenn Condemns Mormon Leaders Over Gay Suicides


Here’s your new gay role model: Tyler Glenn, lead singer of the band Neon Trees.

Glenn lashed out at the Mormon Church on facebook recently, posting a tearful video where he accused church leaders of having blood on their hands. He was referring to two recent suicides by gay Mormon teens. It’s widely known that the abusive Mormon Church engages in psychological torture of LGBT people. Just a few months ago, church leaders announced that the children of same-sex couples were unwelcome in the church.

In his video, Glenn pleaded, “Please don’t let this be the summer of more gay suicides … Please make a space for your gay members. Please tell them they are okay and they are made in the image of God and they are not flawed. Please stop telling them they are abnormal.”

Related: Mormon Frontman Of Neon Trees Comes Out

Glenn was a devout Mormon for most of his life, brainwashed by the bizarre religious organization to believe in their weird rituals and extraterrestrial beliefs. He went on a mission, and even helped convert new members. It’s hard to imagine the guilt he must feel over that.

Fortunately, there’s a pathway out of the cruel Mormon church for LGBT people and their families and friends. Organizations like PostMormon and the Exmormon Foundation help survivors recover from their ordeals and move on.

How many more Mormon kids will die before church leaders accept responsibility?

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