Frank Ocean Draws on Fantasy in New Calvin Klein Campaign Spot: WATCH

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Frank Ocean Draws on Fantasy in New Calvin Klein Campaign Spot: WATCH

Frank Ocean

With the promise of a new album looming on the horizon, Frank Ocean makes his debut in Calvin Klein’s 2016 Global #MyCalvins campaign shot by photographer and filmmaker Tyrone Lebon.

Says Ocean in the ad:

“If you start a habit and you keep it up for four or five weeks and you stop you feel like you’re missing something in your day. That’s what music is to me. It feels like a necessary act.

“It takes a mind to worry, a conscience to feel ashamed, but there’s no place to hide out here. These skies are filled with planes. You sort of romanticize what’s in the past – which is fantasy, cause it’s not exactly how it went down. Fantasy plays the role of almost like a supplement. You draw on fantasy to make things hyperreal I guess, saturate the colors.”

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