Honest Confessions From Men With HIV
Testing positive for HIV is a sobering experience, and aside from just health implications, will likely present unexpected emotional hurdles. There’s no one right or wrong way to process a diagnosis, and the good part is there are people around who want nothing more than to help others who suddenly find themselves having to face that initial fear. Local LGBT centers are a great place to start, or some googling will yield many results.
And the future is bright! Having HIV doesn’t mean what it once did — detecting the virus early and starting the right course of meds means a fully, happy and healthy life is very much within reach. In many ways, knowing you’re positive and taking the proper course of action is safer than not knowing your status at all.
Below, we hear from guys on Whisper who are in varying stages of coming to terms with HIV.
Be smart, get tested, and ask for help if you need it.
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