Nick Jonas Is Gonna Burn His Cabin in the Woods to the Ground Because You’re Gone – MUSIC VIDEO
Nick Jonas has just released his new music video “Chainsaw” which is all about all the feels you have (and the things you do) when your relationship ends.
For the sake of argument, let’s say Nick and you are madly in love and then you break up with him, or at the very least it comes to an end in a way in which Nick is clearly still pining for you. What is Nick going to do?
Nick is going to break the f*cking china because it reminds him you’re gone.
(Not the Meissen teapot!)
Nick seems to have a lot of pent up energy. Also, does Nick like it rough?
Did you see that grin he makes when he gets slammed against the wall?
The real point of this video, however, is to prove how right Nick’s gonna treat you if you come back to him.
His love for you is so strong, his passion set his cabin in the woods on fire.
But, Nick. This is just dangerous. You could start a forest fire! And that is the opposite of what you’re supposed to be doing. (You’re supposed to be preventing them, remember?)
Also, there is no chainsaw in this video. A seemingly missed opportunity in a music video called “Chainsaw” released on Friday the 13th.
Watch the video, below.
The post Nick Jonas Is Gonna Burn His Cabin in the Woods to the Ground Because You’re Gone – MUSIC VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.
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