On This Day in 2013, HRC’s Iconic Red Logo Went Viral
In the weeks before Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor were heard at the Supreme Court in 2013, HRC worked with dozes of organizations and fair-minded Americans advocates across the nation to elevate the national conversation around marriage equality.
Momentum grew rapidly as hundreds of prominent American companies, dozens of leading Republicans and President Barack Obama each filed historic amicus briefs to the Court in support of equal marriage. Five U.S. Senators announced their support for marriage equality in a 72 hour period. Thousands gathered outside the U.S. Supreme Court in support of equal justice under the law. And, last but not least, a simple red HRC logo took over social media and became to symbolize a transformative moment for equality.
On Monday, March 25, 2013, HRC posted a red and pink version of HRC’s iconic blue and yellow logo to the HRC Facebook page. In the post, we urged our supporters to make the image their profile photo and to wear red clothing in support of loving same-sex couples during the two days of oral arguments. By the next day, March 26, the logo had gone viral as the world united in support of loving, committed same-sex couples.
While decision day for the two cases arrived in June, our work was far from over. Dozens of more cases were filed in court and same-sex plaintiff couples continued to advocate for equality rights. On June 26, 2016, the SCOTUS ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that marriage is a fundamental right to which same-sex couples should have the same access as opposite-sex couples, bringing marriage equality nationwide.
Thanks to tireless efforts of so many LGBT people and allies, we have helped change the minds and hearts of citizens around the country. Campaigns like the viral red logo helped bolster unprecedented support for marriage equality and helped change the narrative around marriage equality around the globe.
On this day in 2013, HRC’s iconic red logo went viral. Which meme was your favorite? www.hrc.org/Viral #LoveIsLove #WeAreHRC #LGBT #LGBTQ
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