Nebraska’s Discriminatory Adoption Bill Passes Out of Committee
Today, Nebraska’s Judiciary Committee passed LB 975, the so-called “Child Welfare Services Preservation Act”.” The bill now heads to the floor of the unicameral legislature for a vote in the coming weeks.
LB 975 would enshrine discrimination into Nebraska law by allowing taxpayer-funded adoption and foster care agencies to reject prospective parents based on “the child placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.” If passed, this law would allow adoption agencies to turn away a range of Nebraskans seeking to adopt or foster a child — from LGBT couples to interfaith couples, single parents or a married couple where one prospective parent had been previously divorced. With thousands of children in Nebraska’s foster care system, the last thing we should do is limit the number of “forever families. “
The bill has drawn an outcry from child welfare organizations. Just this week, HRC release a letter from some of the most respected organizations across the country urging senators to vote against the bill. The letter, from the Donaldson Adoption Institute, Voice for Adoption, North American Council on Adoptable Children and National Center on Adoption and Permanency, notes that more than two decades of research showing that children raised by lesbian and gay foster and adoptive parents fare as well as those raised by heterosexual parents and that qualified, eager parents should not be excluded because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Read the full text of the letter HERE.
HRC has been working with legislators throughout the session to kill this bill, but we need your help. If you or someone you know lives in Nebraska, use our easy legislator contact tool today to let your senator know you want them to vote NO on LB 975
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