New Study Connects Suicide Rates of Transgender Teens to Bathroom Restrictions
Using data from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, a new study correlated the high suicide rates of transgender teens with bathroom restriction for transgender teens.
“Transgender and gender non-conforming people frequently experience discrimination, harassment, and marginalization across college and university campuses,” the Journal of Homosexuality explained. “Using the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, this study analyzes whether being denied access to these spaces is associated with lifetime suicide attempts, after controlling for interpersonal victimization by students or teachers. Findings from sequential logistic regression (N = 2,316) indicate that denial of access to either space had a significant relationship to suicidality, even after controlling for interpersonal victimization.”
This study comes at a pertinent time for transgender youth across the country. Just last month, HRC released a report detailing an alarming onslaught of legislation nationwide targeting transgender people, particularly transgender youth.
An unprecedented 44 anti-transgender bills are being considered in 17 states. Some bills undercut the ability of transgender people to access gender-affirming health care, create state-sanctioned avenues of anti-transgender discrimination and, last but not least, deny transgender people access to bathrooms, locker rooms and athletic teams consistent with their gender identity.
Unfortunately, a third of the anti-equal access “bathroom bills” would apply statewide to multi-user restrooms, locker rooms and similar facilities. If passed, some impose criminal penalties on transgender people who use restrooms consistent with their gender identity.
Most recently, the Tennessee House Education Administration & Planning Subcommittee unanimously passed HB 2414 – an outrageous bill targeting transgender students in public elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as those in public universities. The measure, which now moves to the full committee, seeks to force transgender students to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity. Tennessee would be the first state in the nation to pass such a law.
Earlier this month, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed HB 1008 — outrageous legislation that attacked the rights of transgender children in public schools by attempting to force them to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with their gender identity.
To learn more about how you can support transgender youth, click here. For more information about anti-LGBT bills in your state, click here.
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