Moms for Equality: Michelle Honda-Phillips

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Moms for Equality: Michelle Honda-Phillips

Michelle, the daughter of Congressman Mike Honda, is just your average mom in Northern California. She is the mother of three children, including her transgender daughter, Malisa.

“Malisa is your typical preadolescent girl,” Michelle said in a new video for HRC. “She’s very creative. She loves to craft and sing.”

Michelle and her father have both been open about their undivided support for Malisa and equality for the transgender community.

“You hear a lot of stories about teenagers and adults who encounter violence or who encounter fearing for safety in general and I just hope that she doesn’t have to,” Michelle explained. 

While the family has become a vocal advocate for transgender youth, many LGBT young people lack crucial support from their families, and instead are rejected, leaving them at risk for homelessness, substance abuse, depression, and suicide. Up to 40 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBT. 

Watch the video below and for more information on supporting and caring for transgender and gender-expansive children and youth, visit

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