363/365 Emily

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363/365 Emily

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363/365 Emily

There’s an odd comfort I develop in being around Emily. I feel like I’m being reassured. Well, at least when we aren’t jokingly bickering over trivial nonesense. I probably sound like a hopeless romantic when I say that I immediately had butterflies the second I saw her. One moment led to the next and we were hanging out and then a few moments led to another and we weren’t as much. It wasn’t the end of the world, though being the awkwardly distraught human that I was I allowed a new tier of social discomfort to bleed through around Emily after that. Eventually I got over myself and things began to pitter back to how they were.

There’s just something about her that truly does allow me (at least now) to feel assured about where I am and what I’m doing. In Emily I’ve found an amazing friend, someone I feel I can talk to openly and without (at least now) feeling too squirmy. The odd part about that is that I haven’t seen her in ages. She’s been so kept up in school and her own affairs and I myself with this project. It was wonderful to connect again after such a large divide in time. I know that I say it so frequently, and about so many, but I really hope that we can start to see each other more often once this project ends. Good things are on the horizon for all of us.

363/365 Emily

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