An anthem to love from a popular judge on Univision's La Banda
Laura Pausini’s most recent album includes a song and video dedicated to true love which includes a heterosexual couple, a lesbian couple and a gay couple.
Pausini is an internationally known singer and most recently served as a judge for Univision’s hit La Banda, the competition set to discover the next boy band on Univision. The program also features Ricky Martin as a fellow judge.
On a recent appearance on the show Sal y Pimienta Pausini explains why she wrote the song. She says that in her beloved Italy where she is from it is still not legal for everyone to marry. Although she would love to marry her boyfriend she doesn’t feel it is right to do so until this is a legal right for all couples in love.
Una cancion al amor de la jueza popular de La Banda de Univision
La mas recien cancion y video de Laura Pausini esta dedicada al amor verdadero e incluye una pareja heterosexual, una pareja lesbiana y una pareja gay. Pausini es una cantante reconocida internacionalmente y recien fue juez en el show popular La Banda de Univision. El show buscaba encontrar una nueva agrupacion de jovenes. El programa cuenta con la participacion de juez Ricky Martin.
Durante una visita a Sal y Pimienta Pausini explica porque escribio la cancion. Dice que en su pais natal Italia el matrimonio todavia no es legal para todos. Aunque quiseira casarse con su novio, no siente que es justo porque no todas las parejas enamoradas en su pais tienen el derecho legal en este momento de poder casarse.
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