Open Question: Does this guy like me?

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Open Question: Does this guy like me?
I’m bisexual. There is this one guy and I have strong feelings for him, now I don’t know if this is hormones or anything but if I don’t talk to him I feel sad. He is note THE reason but he is A reason that I’m happy. Last time he introduced himself and then while talking he put his hand on my shoulder for a few seconds and then turned his back to his friends who he was talking to and spoke with me for a while. I really like this guy and DJ t know if he likes me or is gay in the first place. How am I tell and if he doesn’t like me back how can I get over him because he is in my classes, groups and I see him everyday. I do t want to come out because I k ow who I am and I don’t need any label (like homosexual) to define me. I am worried because today he didn’t talk to me or even look at me when usually he stares then comes over, has he lost interest (I am a male too so he may not even be homo) or do you think he never had any interest in the first place. I tried to go up to him but he just ignored me or didn’t even see me today please help me out . He is quiet masculine but has a small soft side too. I REALLY like Gina mad need help getting him or getting over him. Thanks!

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