Open Question: Overcoming fears associated with coming out?

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Open Question: Overcoming fears associated with coming out?
Those out and proud LGBT folks have my respect! I’m a closeted lesbian and even though I’m a young adult on my own I’m still afraid to come out.

My parents do not approve of homosexuality so I know they’ll be disappointed. Probably think I’m some sort of a pervert. Other than my parents the only other close family member that I have is an older brother. He’ll be cool with it. I think he already suspects that I’m gay. Work I’m not worried about. I’m professional and don’t really talk about my personal life at work anyways. My company has same-sex spouse benefits so it’s an accepting place.

Probably my biggest obstacle is my faith. I’m Christian and afraid to act on my same-sex attractions for the fear of going to hell. I’m not entirely convinced one way or another that homosexuality is condemned or accepted in God’s eyes. It’s the uncertainty that gets me.

Thanks for any help or advice you can give me. I feel like I’m making things worse the longer that I stay in the closet.

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