Antigay Pastor Steven Anderson Says Victims Of Paris Attacks Worshipped Death And Therefore Deserved To Die
Antigay pastor Steven Anderson is back and he’s angrier than ever.
In his latest hate speech, the father-of-eight went after victims of the Paris terrorist attacks, who he says are completely to blame for their own senseless murders.
Anderson was talking about one of the attacks, in particular, that happened at the Le Bataclan Theatre, where the band The Eagles Of Death Metal was performing.
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“When you go to a concert of death metal, somebody might get killed,” Anderson preached. “You know, you’re worshiping death, and then, all of a sudden, people start dying!”
Way to keep it classy, Steven.
Oh, and for the record, The Eagles Of Death Metal isn’t actually a death metal band. The name is meant to be satirical. Not that it really matters.
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Anderson continued: “Well, you love death so much, you bought the ticket, you love worshiping Satan! Well, let’s have some of Satan’s religion come in and shoot you! I mean, that’s what these people should think about before they go into such a wicked concert!”
In the past, Anderson has called for all the “homos” in America to be executed by the government, for President Obama to be murdered, for Caitlyn Jenner’s heart to be “ripped from his chest,” and for all “gay pedophiles” to die of brain cancer, among other things.
Fast forward to the 5:45 mark in the video below to hear Anderson’s latest vomit-inducing comments. Or don’t.
h/t: Joe.My.God.
Graham Gremore
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