Kim Davis, Germaine Greer win Gay and Lesbian Outrageous, Ridiculous and Ignorant comment awards

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Kim Davis, Germaine Greer win Gay and Lesbian Outrageous, Ridiculous and Ignorant comment awards

Kim Davis and Germaine Greer have been named the homophobes of the year at Australia’s Gay and Lesbian Outrageous, Ridiculous and Ignorant comment awards.

The winners are nominated and voted for by the public and the results of the GLORIAs, which are organized by New South Wales legislative council member Penny Sharpe, were announced on Wednesday (11 November).

The Kentucky clerk won in the international category for her refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, and feminist Greer took the grand prize for her views on transgender women.

Last month, she said ‘just because you lop off your dick and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a fucking woman’ in an expletive-laden rant to the BBC.

Nick and Sarah Jensen, a straight couple who promised to get a divorce if gay marriage was legalized in Australia, won the religion category.

‘My wife and I, as a matter of conscience, refuse to recognize the government regulation of marriage if its definition includes the solemnization of same-sex couples,’ they said.

And retired Australian footballer Sam Newman won in the sports category for calling Michael Sam’s draft kiss an ‘annoyingly gratuitous act’ that ‘no heterosexuals do that when they are drafted.’

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Darren Wee

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