WATCH: Kentucky Gay Couple That Fought Kim Davis Get Married

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WATCH: Kentucky Gay Couple That Fought Kim Davis Get Married

The gay couple caught on tape enduring a series of emotional encounters with renegade Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis are now legally wed. And fittingly, there’s video of their happy day. 

David Ermold and David Moore were married Saturday at Morehead State University, according to the school’s newspaper The Trail Blazer

YouTube/MSU Trailblazer

Video of their attempts to obtain a marriage license, recorded inside the Rowan County clerk’s office, quickly went viral. Davis cited God as a higher authority than the Supreme Court.

The two actually got married in a quick private ceremony shortly after getting their license, out of fear it would be revoked, then planned this larger ceremony and invited friends and family. April Miller and Karen Roberts, plaintiffs in the case against Davis, also held two wedding ceremonies, worried the clerk would invalidate their marriage licenses. Miller and Roberts attended the men’s wedding.

“Everything about it has been public, it kind of had to end that way,” Ermold told the paper. “If same-sex marriage is still an issue five years from now, I want people to be able to be open about who they are and not be afraid of who they are. This is the only life we get.”

Watch below as Ermold and Moore tie the knot on a sunny day surrounded by loved ones, courtesy of MSU’s The Trailblazer.


Bil Browning

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