Open Question: Why whenever liberals want to justify their hypocrisy they say "comparing apples to oranges? Take LGBT and incest for example (READ)?
It is almost never apples and oranges, you can be bigoted against incest all you want, it’s “icky and wrong” do the same to LGBT and you’re a terrible person.
“Love is love” but incest gets bashed, ‘It’s not hurting anyone” but incest gets bashed.
Also I notice with incest people make it seem like it’s between an adult and child and there’s a power struggle, it’s incest, not pedophilia, should we associate gays with pedophilia too? You know you’re making strawman arguments to paint it in a negative light.
You use the excuse that a deformed child can be born
1. No guarantee they’ll have a kid.
2. If they do no guarantee the child will be deformed.
3. So what if it is? Do we kill special needs kids?
4. What about an older couple having a child? Increased chance their child will be deformed.
5. Abortion is ok but the possibility of a deformed child existing is where you draw the line?
For the record I’m not into incest, I’m making a point, so don’t respond with some lame *** deflection like “you wanna f**k your sister”
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