Hot Aussies Pluck Each Other’s Nose Hair and Wax Each Other’s Legs: WATCH

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Hot Aussies Pluck Each Other’s Nose Hair and Wax Each Other’s Legs: WATCH


Manscaping can be an arduous and at times painful task, as a handful of guys from down under recently came to learn.

In videos created by BuzzFeed Australia, total strangers were paired together and tasked with plucking each other’s nose hair and waxing each other’s legs with an at-home waxing kit. The guys quickly bond over their mutual pain and even share some bromantic moments. Reactions range from the well-composed to the “Holy sh*t, that really hurt!”

Can you guess which form of manscaping caused the guys to cry more? Watch below and find out:


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Sean Mandell

Hot Aussies Pluck Each Other’s Nose Hair and Wax Each Other’s Legs: WATCH

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