Semen Latte Pastor Wants To Boycott Every Single “Sodomite-Friendly” Business In America

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Semen Latte Pastor Wants To Boycott Every Single “Sodomite-Friendly” Business In America

james_david_manningPastor James David Manning of the Atlah Worldwide Missionary Church in Harlem is at it again. Earlier this week he uploaded a video to his YouTube channel announcing his plans to boycott every single company in the United States of America that “accept sodomites.”

“I want to call for a national boycott against sodomy in America,” Manning, who believes gay people are cannibals, proclaimed in his latest video. “Almighty God has revealed to me that we are in a mega majority, those of us who are Bible believers. I want to call for a boycott, and here’s the level at which the boycott should be understood!”

Related: Someone Sent The Antigay “Semen Latte” Pastor A Giant Bucket Of Poop. Yes, Poop.

Manning, who once claimed Starbucks makes lattes out of semen to appeal to gay men, went on to issue the following call to action: “If you know of a business that is owned by Sodomites, for instance Tylenol… we’re not going to buy Tylenol anymore!”

“There are many others,” he continued. “General Mills and many other organizations that will out themselves as being sodomite-friendly. We need to understand that we can boycott them!”

The irony, of course, is that Manning uploaded his video to YouTube, a pro-gay company owned by Google that, earlier this year, was one of 379 major businesses to sign a Supreme Court employers’ brief calling for marriage equality.

Good luck with that boycott, Pastor Manning.

Related: Justin Bieber Cut Off Her Breasts To Become A Boy And The 5 Craziest Remarks From “Semen Latte” Guy

h/t: Pink News

Graham Gremore

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