Out US Denmark ambassador marries partner

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Out US Denmark ambassador marries partner

Today, 10 October, the gay US ambassador to Denmark married his partner at Copenhagen City Hall. According to Yahoo News, envoy Rufus Gifford has been in the Scandinavian country since 2013, appearing with Stephen DeVincent at functions.

DeVincent is a a 56-year-old veterinarian. Gifford, a 41-year-old Boston native, posted the following on Twitter. In 1989, Denmark officially recognized LGBTI relationships.



Married! In the land that created fairy tales, we just started our own… Feeling such happiness and gratitude. pic.twitter.com/fpAASAlXKw

— Rufus Gifford (@rufusgifford) October 10, 2015

The post Out US Denmark ambassador marries partner appeared first on Gay Star News.

James Withers


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