Andrew Sullivan Explains to Stephen Colbert The Rules of Catholicism for Homosexuals: WATCH

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Andrew Sullivan Explains to Stephen Colbert The Rules of Catholicism for Homosexuals: WATCH

andrew sullivan

Although Pope Francis is taking baby steps towards a more inclusive Catholic Church, many people are still wondering how gay Catholics reconcile the churches teachings on homosexuality with their own faith.

As blogger (and real-life Catholic) Andrew Sullivan explained on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert this past week, it turns out there are special rules to being both Catholic and gay.

Find out the unique way gay Catholics make the sign of the cross, celebrate lent, and recite the Lord’s prayer in the video below.

Related, Andrew Sullivan Announces He’s Quitting Blogging

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Kyler Geoffroy

Andrew Sullivan Explains to Stephen Colbert The Rules of Catholicism for Homosexuals: WATCH

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