This transgender waitress has the perfect response to a young girl’s questions

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This transgender waitress has the perfect response to a young girl’s questions

An American transgender waitress has shared her experience of being asked about her gender by a young customer.

Posting on Facebook, Liv Hnilicka from Minneapolis, Minnesota, described the moment the young girl’s father approached her as she was filling the water station at her job in a restaurant. 

‘My daughter just asked if you were a boy or a girl. I didn’t want to speak for you so would you like to talk to her?’, the man asked.

Liv’s response clearly struck a chord on Facebook; her original message has already been shared more than 1,000 times.

Speaking to the little girl, she said: ‘I heard you asked if I was a boy or girl. I think the important thing to remember is that everyone can be anything they want to be in this world.

‘And it’s also important to try to be the best selves we can be for our family and friends. And even to strangers.

‘So to answer your question, I was told that I was a boy when I was little and now I live my adult life as a girl. It sounds complicated but it’s actually pretty simple.’

Liv then asked the little girl if she had any further questions. Her response?

‘She looked at me smiling and simply said, “Nope!”‘

Liv added: ‘I walked away from the table feeling really good about parents intentionally engaging their children about possibly difficult topics. And showing that giving people the power to voice their truths in this complicated world is beautiful and healing.’

Liv followed her original post with a clarification, explaining that while it’s simple to talk to children about gender issues in terms of ‘boys’ and ‘girls’, more complex language is needed for conversations with adults.

‘I think while the language I used was appropriate for conversations with children, intersecting sets of identities are beautifully complicated and the way society treats marginalized people (women, lgbt/gnc/intersex people, people of color, people living with disabilities) is complex,’ she said.

Read Liv’s original post in full below:

Stellar parenting moment of the day:This afternoon I was at my waitressing job on a beautiful early fall afternoon….

Posted by Liv Hnilicka on Sunday, September 20, 2015

The post This transgender waitress has the perfect response to a young girl’s questions appeared first on Gay Star News.

Mel Spencer

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