Price-Gouging Pharma CEO Can’t Seem To Handle The Entire Internet Hating Him After All

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Price-Gouging Pharma CEO Can’t Seem To Handle The Entire Internet Hating Him After All

0530_retrophin_970-630x420Martin Shkreli claims he’s happy to “play to part” of greedy CEO/America’s most hated man. But after less than 48 hours, it seems the pressure is getting to him.

The ex-hedge-funder-turned-pharmaceutical-price-gouger made headlines this week when he raised the price Daraprim, a drug that treats life-threatening parasitic infections in AIDS patients, from $13.50 to $750 a tablet. (For the record: Each tablet only costs about $1 to produce.)

Related: Ex-Hedge Funder Buys Rights To AIDS Drug, Raises Price 5,455 Percent

“It really doesn’t make sense to get any criticism for this,” Shkreli told the New York Times. “This isn’t the greedy drug company trying to gouge patients. It is us trying to stay in business.”

Related: Can We Blame Wall Street For All the AIDS Patients Now On Waiting Lists?

Over the past day or so, Shkreli seems to have been glued to his Twitter page, spewing off childish and snarky remarks at internet trolls and generally being an unapologetic little bitch.

But despite his overconfidence, it seems Shkreli may not be cut out for the long term role of supervillian, after all. He announced earlier today that he will be “flipping my Twitter to private” after receiving an endless string of nasty comments. Evidently, he can’t take the heat as well as he dishes it, though he claims it’s because he is “busy” with his “important job” coming up with the next group of patients to price gouge.

After abandoning Twitter, here’s to hoping he abandons his evil business practices as well. We are not holding our breath.

Scroll down to read some of what he’s been saying on Twitter, which we screen grabbed. (Seriously, someone needs to get this dude a publicist ASAP!)…

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Graham Gremore

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