Young Bagpiper Shuts Down Antigay Preacher

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Young Bagpiper Shuts Down Antigay Preacher

A young St. Andrews busker (local street performer) was recently cheered in Scotland after he shut down an antigay preacher by blasting “Scotland The Brave” on his bagpipes, reports Joe My God.

Footage of the incident was uploaded to YouTube account lachieblair and was originally posted on the Overheard in St. Andrews Facebook page, which quickly began to surface on various news sites.

In the video, the preacher can be seen using an amplifier as he reportedly shouts an antigay message claiming same-sex marriage is ruining the country’s economy.

Moments later, the young bagpiper begins to play, slowly walking toward the preacher as the crowd cheers, grateful the young man was drowning out the ranting preacher who was casting a dark cloud on an otherwise sunny day in town.

The preacher soon gives up, and as the video’s title suggests, the bagpiper wins the battle “in the most Scottish way possible.” 


Jase Peeples

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