Insurance Company Slut Shames Man, Denies Him Coverage Because He’s On Truvada

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Insurance Company Slut Shames Man, Denies Him Coverage Because He’s On Truvada

Screen shot 2015-09-17 at 10.01.50 AMA Boston man claims he was slut-shamed by an insurance provider when he was denied coverage after revealing he takes Truvada as a preventative measure.

The man, who is identified only as John Doe, just filed an official complaint against Mutual of Omaha with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, alleging the company discriminated against for being gay.

Related:  San Francisco Politician Comes Out Of The Truvada Closet To Combat PrEP Stigma

“I was shocked,” the man, speaking anonymously because his complaint contains private medical information, told the Associated Press. “I really was. I thought maybe they misunderstood me. I’m HIV-negative. I’m not HIV-positive. I was taking Truvada as a prophylactic.”

But when he tried explaining this, the company still said no. Days later, he received a letter that said, “We do not offer coverage to anyone who takes the medication Truvada, regardless of whether it is prescribed to treat HIV infection, or is used for pre-exposure prophylaxis.”

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“It’s really based on the stereotypes and the fears that are out there, that somehow gay male sexuality is inherently risky and unhealthy,” Bennett Klein, director of GLAAD’s AIDS Law Project, told the AP. “We have a lot of bias about gay male sexuality in our society.”

Dr. Kenneth Mayer, a professor at Harvard Medical School and director of HIV Prevention Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, added, “The last thing we want to do is discourage people from using this preventive mediation. The goal is to eradicate the number of new HIV infections.”

“I lived through the Holocaust of people dying from AIDS,” the man said. “I was doing my little part to stop that.”

So far, Mutual of Omaha is not commenting on the matter. Jim Nolan, a company spokesman, told the AP, “We have not seen the complaint and it’s our practice not to comment on potential litigation.”

Related: Gay Men Who Take Truvada Daily Remain Free Of HIV, According To New Study

Graham Gremore

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