Oregon Judge One-Ups Kim Davis: I’ll See Your ‘No Gays Allowed’ And Raise You A Hitler!
If Kim Davis ever decides the media coverage is too much to handle and wants to pack it up and head for greener pastures, she might give Marion County, Oregon, a try (apologies to the good people of Marion County).
Once there, she should immediately give Judge Vance D. Day a call to arrange a coffee date. They’d have lots to gab about, chiefly their shared mission to stand in the way of same-sex couples lawfully exercising their rights.
Judge D. Day is the subject of a months-long investigation into his refusal to marry same-sex couples.
Day’s spokesman contends that Day doesn’t have a problem with gay people, per say — he just didn’t want to be a part of their icky weddings.
He instructed his staff that if any same-sex couple sought him as their wedding officiant, they should refuse and tell the couple to look elsewhere.
Judges are sworn to uphold “integrity, impartiality and independence.” Day seems to be focused a bit too much on that third point at the expense of the first two.
And oddly enough, this is miraculously the less offensive of the two allegations against Day.
That’s because he’s also facing scrutiny for hanging a picture of Hitler in the Salem courthouse, because nobody epitomizes integrity and impartiality like Adolf himself.
Dan Tracer
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