Anti-Gay Protestors Picket Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis: VIDEO

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Anti-Gay Protestors Picket Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis: VIDEO

kim davis

Supporters of Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis protested outside the home of federal judge David Bunning in protest of Bunning’s decision to jail Davis on charges of contempt. Bunning found Davis in contempt after she refused to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a clear violation of the law in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Federal Marshals were called to Bunning’s home to ensure Bunning’s safety. The protestors, which numbered at most at 30 according to WCPO 9 News, demanded that Bunning, not Davis, should be jailed for allegedly denying Davis her due process.

One protestor outside Bunning’s home argued Davis was “unlawfully put in jail”, adding, “Show us the law or free Kim Davis.”

Another protestor, Rev. Flip Benjamin said, “We are holding Judge Bunning in contempt of almighty God”, clearly referencing the charges of contempt Davis faces.

Protestors held up signs that read, “Don’t make a civil right a moral wrong”, “Free Kim Davis”, while another declared Davis a Kentucky and Christian hero.


Supreme Court justices were accused of treason on another sign.


As WCPO notes, Judge Bunning’s ruling against Davis also ordered that her supporters are not allowed to set up a Go Fund Me account to pay for her legal fees.

Watch a news report and see the bigots on parade, below:


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Sean Mandell

Anti-Gay Protestors Picket Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis: VIDEO

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