Famed novelist Anne Rice finds Kim Davis ‘stubborn, self-centered and self-obsessed’

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Famed novelist Anne Rice finds Kim Davis ‘stubborn, self-centered and self-obsessed’

Interview With a Vampire author Anne Rice, the mother of a gay son, is not impressed with Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis’ version of Christianity.

Davis, currently in jail in Kentucky for contempt of court, has said she had acted on ‘God’s authority’ in refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rice writes in a Facebook post that all her life she has known Christians — Catholics, Protestants, independent believers, bible readers and church goers, nuns, priests, ministers – who are devoted to Christ.

‘This woman Kim Davis … bears little or no resemblance to the believers I’ve known. She comes across to me as a stubborn, self centered and self obsessed individual with little grasp of the belief system she references as she shows complete disregard for the rights of her fellow Americans.

‘It is sad to think anyone would regard this gravely misguided and obviously bigoted individual as a poster girl for “faith in God.”‘

In addition to her better-known novels such as The Vampire Lestat and The Queen of the Damned, Rice has written two books chronicling the life of Jesus: Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt and Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana.

‘What a colossal waste all this has been of the taxpayer’s money and the court’s time,’ Rice writes. ‘I congratulate my gay brothers and sisters of all faiths, and of no faith, for standing up to the selfish and arrogant bias of this woman and politely and justly demanding their rights.’

The author’s son, Chistopher Rice, has written six best-selling novels including A Density of Souls, The Snow Garden, and  Light Before Day.

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Greg Hernandez


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