Chris Christie veers from Republican pack on businesses discriminating against gays

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Chris Christie veers from Republican pack on businesses discriminating against gays

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made clear Tuesday (25 August) that he does not believe businesses have the right to discriminate against LGBTI people.

From refusing to bake wedding cakes to taking photos of renting out a venue, the ‘religious freedom’ argument that has been increasingly cited since same-sex marriage has become legal in the US.

Christie, who is against same-sex marriage, believes this is a defense that can only be used by religious organizations.

‘We have a system of laws in this country, and those laws need to be followed. And the fact is, religious organizations should be protected from having to do anything that violates their religious beliefs as a religious organization. That should be protected,’ Christie said at a campaign event in Iowa.

‘But other businesses who want to do business, they should have to be able to do business under the laws of our country,’ he added. ‘When I take an oath of office as Governor, my oath of office is to enforce the laws of the state of New Jersey. Not the laws I like or the laws that I agree with, but all the laws.’

Christie’s view differs from that of other candidates for the Republican Party presidential nomination including US Senator Ted Cruz who has been steadfastly outspoken in his defense of such businesses.

Christie doesn’t find it all that complicated.

‘ …If we don’t want to have a country of men and women but a country of laws, where everyone is treated equally, that’s what we need to do. Religious organizations absolutely should be protected, everyone should freely practice their religion the way they see fit, but businesses should not be allowed to discriminate, no.’

Christie can be seen answering the question at the 10:14 mark in the video below.

The post Chris Christie veers from Republican pack on businesses discriminating against gays appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez

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