New York pol fighting against men being shirtless in public

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New York pol fighting against men being shirtless in public

Ruben Diaz, Sr wants New York City to be safe from the scourge of topless women. And men. This summer  local media has been obsessing over a few women strolling Times Square sans top.

They have joined the other Broadway tycoons, those dress up in comic book costumes and annoy tourists for photos (cash also). My personal favorite is fat Spiderman.

From all accounts it’s legal to walk around in public with no top, but breasts with no cover has caused Mayor Bill de Blasio to come up with a task force to come up with a solutions to bare nipples and costumed characters milling about.

This is where Diaz comes in. According to 4 New York,a local news station,  the Democratic state senator plans to introduce legislation banning public toplessness, except on the beach, for everyone. Men will be included because the minister is all about equality.

It should come as no surprise that Diaz is anti-LGBTI. He’s opposed to marriage equality and doesn’t mind throwing out rhetoric that makes even a few of his supporters roll their eyes.

No shirtless men in NYC? That might cause a second Stonewall.

The post New York pol fighting against men being shirtless in public appeared first on Gay Star News.

James Withers

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