US embassy in Moscow sponsors I Am Michael biopic of ‘cured’ gay man

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US embassy in Moscow sponsors I Am Michael biopic of ‘cured’ gay man

A film festival sponsored by the US Embassy in Moscow will controversially (and possibly illegally) show an LGBTI-themed film in September.

I Am Michael is the film in question: a biopic about Michael Glatze (James Franco), a gay activist who later in life renounced his homosexuality while becoming a Christian.

The festival screens September 16-27 in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The website for the film festival notes: ‘A gay activist and magazine founder is ‘saved’ from his homosexuality after turning to God.’

While Russia does not ban films around LGBTI topics exactly, it does ban screening films which show homosexuality in a positive light to under 18s.

If the film is shown to minors it therefore will break that law.

The post US embassy in Moscow sponsors I Am Michael biopic of ‘cured’ gay man appeared first on Gay Star News.

Jack Flanagan

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