Oregon bakery fined for refusing to make cake for gay wedding sends cakes to LGBTI groups

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Oregon bakery fined for refusing to make cake for gay wedding sends cakes to LGBTI groups

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon refused to bake a cake for a local lesbian’s wedding – and got fined $135,000 for it – but they want the LGBTI community to know that they ‘love’ them.

Melissa and Aaron Klein sent cakes this week to 10 LGBTI organizations which read: ‘We really do love you!’

‘We came up with the idea of sending cakes to express that we really do love them,’ Melissa Klein tells The Oregonian.

The couple, who are appealing the fine, cite their religious beliefs as the reason why they would not bake the cake for a same-sex couple.

Along with the cake, the couple also sent a copy of the film Audacity along with a $25 restaurant gift card provided by the film’s producer, televangelist Ray Comfort. According to the film’s website, the movie ‘delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality.’

To promote the film, Comfort plans to fly rainbow-colored banners that include #LoveWins! over 11 US cities and has said: ‘We are like doctors with a cure for cancer. This movie is made for the lost, so one way to get the lost’s attention is to fly a four-story-high banner across San Francisco.’

The Los Angeles LGBT Center, one of the organizations to receive a cake, replied on its website: Nothing says “We really do love you!” like a little frosting-covered hate mail. And, while we have no trouble telling Comfort to get his hands off our rainbow, hashtag, and inalienable rights, we’re not quite as sure about what to do with the cake.

The post Oregon bakery fined for refusing to make cake for gay wedding sends cakes to LGBTI groups appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez


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