Two Hunky Brits Share A Kiss Before Doing The Dumbest Thing You Will Ever See

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Two Hunky Brits Share A Kiss Before Doing The Dumbest Thing You Will Ever See

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 10.22.59 AM

There are many words that come to mind to describe this group of British pals — stupid, belligerent and beefy to name a few.

But hey, at least they aren’t homophobic? Is that progress? We’re not really sure.

Related: Straight Man Unsure About His Buddy’s Shower Room Butt-Slapping Antics

What we are sure about, however, is this is unquestionably the dumbest thing you will see today:

We have pretty, we have stupid, and then we have pretty stupid.Have you ever seen a hot guy or girl working at McDonalds? This is why.

Posted by Abel MacBerry on Monday, June 29, 2015

Dan Tracer

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