White House asked to investigate spike in murders of trans women

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White House asked to investigate spike in murders of trans women

A petition has been placed on the White House website demanding for a federal investigation of the high number of murders of transgender women of color.

‘For transgender women of color, safety is a real and warranted concern,’ the petition says. ‘We are asking the administration to raise awareness and take action to keep this community safe, by conducting a formal investigation of these deaths occurring across the county to the targeted community of transgender women, particularly women of color.’

According to numbers provided by the Anti-Violence Project, since this past January there have been 14 homicides of transgender or gender non-conforming people, ’12 of whom were transgender women of color.’

To get a response from the White House, the petition must have 100,000 signatures by 10 September. As of this writing, 944 people have signed.

To sign, please go here.

The post White House asked to investigate spike in murders of trans women appeared first on Gay Star News.

James Withers


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