Homophobe Who Attacked Two Gay Military Academy Grads — And Got His A$$ Kicked — Is Now Behind Bars

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Homophobe Who Attacked Two Gay Military Academy Grads — And Got His A$$ Kicked — Is Now Behind Bars

hate4n-1-web-360x428A week ago, we told you the harrowing story of Daniel and Larry Lennox-Choate, a married couple who were assaulted by a homophobic thug while shopping in a SoHo bodega. Their tale received nationwide attention, not least because the culprit wound up “covered in his own blood with his tail between his legs” after  hitting Daniel in the face and being summarily pounced upon by Larry. “I handled the situation and tossed him in the street like the coward loser he is,” Larry wrote on Facebook at the time.

Related: Homophobe Attacks Two Gay Military Academy Grads, Gets His A$$ Kicked

You see, the Lennox-Choates both graduated from West Point Military Academy. (They were the first gay couple to ever be married there, in 2013.) Daniel also served in Iraq and Afghanistan. In short, this is a couple you probably don’t want to fuck with.

Related: West Point Hosts First Wedding For Male Couple

“We refuse to be victims and are thankful we can defend ourselves,” Larry said, “but are saddened by the fact that idiots like this guy might not pick two guys who went through Phebe boxing next time.”

This morning, the New York Daily News announced that cops have found and arrested that suspect: a 57-year-old man from Queens named Thomas Clabough, who’s been charged with assault and attempted assault as a hate crime, and is currently awaiting arraignment. We’ll keep you posted on developments as they happen.


Derek de Koff


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