Bryan Fischer Blasts John Kasich: Attending a Gay Wedding Like Going to A Crack House ‘Grand Opening’

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Bryan Fischer Blasts John Kasich: Attending a Gay Wedding Like Going to A Crack House ‘Grand Opening’


Former American Family Association spokeshater Bryan Fisher was none too pleased with Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s rather forward-thinking (for GOP standards) response to a gay marriage question at last night’s debate.

Said Kasich:

John KasichWell, look, I’m an old-fashioned person here and I happen to believe in traditional marriage but I’ve said the court has ruled and I said we’ll accept it. And guess what? I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do, doesn’t mean I can’t care about them or love them.

Fischer, who you would think knows a thing or two about crack, had this incredibly dumb (even for Bryan Fischer standards) thing to say on his radio program today in response to Kasich’s answer:

Again it depends on what you think of homosexual behavior…If you have somebody you loved and they were dealing crack and they were opening up a new crack house. They were having a grand opening celebration and they invited you to come and be a part of the grand opening celebration of this crack house would you go? Of course not.

Fischer later noted, “I’m not saying homosexuality and dealing crack are the same thing” before going on to basically reiterate that homosexuality and dealing crack are the same thing.

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Kyler Geoffroy

Bryan Fischer Blasts John Kasich: Attending a Gay Wedding Like Going to A Crack House ‘Grand Opening’

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