8-City ‘Faith Family Freedom Tour’ Across Texas Promises Plenty Of Hilarious Anti-Gay Bigotry
Last week, we mentioned how Texas anti-LGBT leaders are planning an anti-gay hatefest at a church whose pastor is also a state representative.
That announcement came on the heels of the launch of a new anti-LGBT coalition in Dallas.
Now, if you’re still keeping track, many of the same bigots are planning an eight-city “Faith Family Freedom” tour in August, September and October:
“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,” states an email announcing the tour from Houston anti-LGBT activist Jared Woodfill. “It’s time for us to stand up and fight to take back our government from the godless Secular Humanists, Pro-Abortionists and Political Homosexual Movement. We will trust God! We will take action! We will fight to restore our Constitutional liberties based upon Biblical truth!”
The rallies will be held in Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas, San Antonio, Tyler, Lubbock, Corpus Christi and Waco.
The tour is sponsored by 17 people, including:
• Former Congressman Tom Delay (right), who recently suggested the U.S. Department of Justice wants to legalize sex with animals and little boys.
• Pastor Rick Scarborough, who pledged to set himself on fire if the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, then changed his mind, saying he only planned to do so because he loves gay people.
• Dr. Steve Hotze of the Conservative Republicans of Texas, who said at the anti-LGBT coalition’s recent Dallas launch that the SCOTUS ruling will mean teachers encouraging kindergarteners to try anal sex.
• Cathie Adams (right with Sen. Ted Cruz) of the Texas Eagle Forum, who recently said same-sex marriage would lead to the end of America if the state Legislature didn’t act to undermine SCOTUS’ ruling.
• David Barton of WallBuilders, who said the SCOTUS ruling will force churches to hire pedophiles to run day care centers.
All in all, this tour — which seems more like a last-gasp fundraising scheme — promises plenty of great entertainment.
More from the announcement:
“Enough is Enough!” One need only look around and see that our country is being radically changed by the left. It is time to stand-up, speak-up, and refuse to give up when it comes to our principles, value and beliefs! We must stand on our faith and boldly defend our religious liberties, our Constitutional freedoms, and our Judeo Christian heritage. We have a duty to protect our children and our grandchildren from a political movement that stands for abortion, redefines marriage and removes God from the public arena.
Leaders of the conservative organizations listed above will be speaking in the cities listed on key issues threatening Christian values and on the nuts and bolts of politics, so that we can take back our government. These events will give you the knowledge and tools you need to have in order to make your voice heard and to make a difference for your children and grandchildren. You will be receiving emails as locations are confirmed in each city. Save the date and make a plan to attend in the city nearest to you. I look forward to seeing you at one of the locations identified above.
The post 8-City ‘Faith Family Freedom Tour’ Across Texas Promises Plenty Of Hilarious Anti-Gay Bigotry appeared first on Towleroad.
John Wright
8-City ‘Faith Family Freedom Tour’ Across Texas Promises Plenty Of Hilarious Anti-Gay Bigotry
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