One Direction’s Harry Styles Struts His Stuff While Wearing Rainbow Flag Cape at Vancouver Concert: WATCH

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One Direction’s Harry Styles Struts His Stuff While Wearing Rainbow Flag Cape at Vancouver Concert: WATCH

One Direction

No stranger to public displays of LGBT support, Harry Styles grabbed one lucky fan’s rainbow Canadian flag at Friday’s One Direction concert in Vancouver and proceeded to wear it as a cape while strutting the stage.

Maybe next time Styles can don just the flag cape by itself?

#VIDEO Harry prancing around with a Canada rainbow flag

— 1D Updates (@1DLittleSecret) July 18, 2015


The post One Direction’s Harry Styles Struts His Stuff While Wearing Rainbow Flag Cape at Vancouver Concert: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Kyler Geoffroy

One Direction’s Harry Styles Struts His Stuff While Wearing Rainbow Flag Cape at Vancouver Concert: WATCH

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