News: Anti-Gay ‘Future Conference’, Portland’s Power Lines, Humpday Hotness, Caitlyn Jenner

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News: Anti-Gay ‘Future Conference’, Portland’s Power Lines, Humpday Hotness, Caitlyn Jenner

> Trans teen Jazz Jennings and her mom give advice to parents raising transgender kids. 

futuremain> Omar Sharif Jr. reflects on the iconic legacy of his grandfather.

> Inside the religious right’s anti-LGBT “Future Conference.”

> Obama scolds reporter at White House briefing on Iran. 

> One Direction-er Louis Tomlinson is going to be a daddy.

> Portland has some new very, er, erect decorations on its power lines. 

tomas-guarracino-shirtless-06132015-lead02-600x450> Humpday Hotness: Tomas Guarracino. 

> Nick Jonas thinks heterosexual male artists should “reach out” to their gay fans.

> First look: Homeland Season 5.

> Justin Bieber strips down for Interview magazine.

> Disney is making a live-action prequel to Aladdin.

> Digging into the alleged “scandal” over that Planned Parenthood video.  

caitlyn> Siri has no time to play games with you about Caitlyn Jenner’s name. 

> Jenner will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award from Abby Wambach at tonight’s ESPY Awards. 

> Donald Trump alleges he has a net worth of over $10 billion. 

> Same-sex couples can finally get married in Puerto Rico starting today. 

> Cuban LGBT activists harassed at Havana airport.

> California judge calls for UBER to be suspended, fined $7.3 million.

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Sean Mandell

News: Anti-Gay ‘Future Conference’, Portland’s Power Lines, Humpday Hotness, Caitlyn Jenner

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