Summer Thirst Is Real And Five More Grindr Revelations

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Summer Thirst Is Real And Five More Grindr Revelations

axn-mag-water-sportsSummer heat leaving you with an unquenchable thirst? You aren’t alone.

Everyone’s favorite orange stick-you-in-a-folder-so-nobody-sees-you hookup dating app has recently surveyed 2,500 people across the United States, and here’s what they’re reporting:

1. 47 percent of survey respondents said that they had found long-term friendships on Grindr.

You can count us among the 53 percent who have not.

2. 53 percent said that they were open to having kids.

Here’s an experiment you can try at home. Launch Grindr and scroll through the grid. Now imagine every other guy as a father. Scary stuff.

3. There are seven times as many married users as there are engaged users on the app.

This seems an unnecessary point to include. If you’re engaged to be married and find you can’t stay off Grindr, you may want to seek a good divorce attorney to keep in the wings.

4. 27 percent of respondents said that Grindr is the mobile app that they most frequently use.

These are the guys that every time, without fail, even if you haven’t opened the app in seven months, are still inexplicably 73 feet away from you.

5. 60 percent of respondents find the long, hot summer months to be the period in which they’re most active on the app.

The thirst is real.

6. 70 percent of respondents are most likely to answer a message from someone using a face pic.

Shocking. See: 5 Easy Tips For Creating A Better Online Dating Profile.

Dan Tracer

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