Marco Rubio now against constitutional amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage.

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Marco Rubio now against constitutional amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage.

US Senator Marco Rubio does not want to see the constitution amended so that individual states can ban same-sex marriage.

His remarks after a speech in Iowa this week were something of a surprise coming from the Republican presidential hopeful who in the past has said it is ‘ridiculous and absurd’ to consider same-sex marriage a constitutional right.

‘I don’t support a constitutional amendment. I don’t believe the federal government should be in the marriage regulation business,’ the senator from Florida said at the Cedar Rapids Country Club.

Rubio’s remarks come less than two weeks after the US Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 ruling that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 US states.

‘We can continue to disagree with it,’ he said. ‘Perhaps a future court will change that decision, in much the same way as it’s changed other decisions in the past. But my opinion is unchanged, that marriage should continue to be defined as one man and one woman. The decision is what it is, and that’s what we’ll live under.

‘I disagree with the decision on constitutional grounds,’ he added. ‘Irrespective of how one may feel about the definition of marriage, we’re still all Americans.’

It was just six weeks ago that Rubio warned that gay marriage poses a ‘real and present danger’ to Christianity.

‘We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech,’ he had said during an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network. ‘Because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you are labeled a homophobe and a hater.’

H/T: Bloomberg

The post Marco Rubio now against constitutional amendment allowing states to ban gay marriage. appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez

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