“No Gays Allowed” Business Owner Learns There Are Consequences To Being A Hateful Bigot

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“No Gays Allowed” Business Owner Learns There Are Consequences To Being A Hateful Bigot

635713741552178574-hardwareAnother antigay business owner has learned there are consequences to bigotry.

Earlier this week, Jeff Amyx hung a handwritten sign in the window of his Tennessee hardware store: “No Gays Allowed” in response to the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling.

“The Supreme Court did not speak for me when they voted to make this legal, and I can’t accept it,” Amyx told his local news station.

After the story went viral, Amyx was hit with a storm of backlash. It started with angry phone calls and emails.

“A lot of people have called and cussed me and said nasty things,” Amyx said.

Then a Facebook group was created calling for people to boycott the store.

But it took budget moving equipment company U-Haul dropping Amyx as a customer and demanding he take down its logo from his website for the small businessman to rethink his actions.

On Tuesday, Amyx replaced the “No Gays Allowed” sign with a more polite but no less ridiculous one: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”


Related: Five Disgraced Business Owners Who Learned That Homophobia Just Doesn’t Sell

Graham Gremore


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