Are these same-sex couples together or just friends?

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Are these same-sex couples together or just friends?

With the marriage equality ruling in the US, some people just want to congratulate every same-sex couple they see.

One of those people in late night host Jimmy Kimmel, who wanted to not only test his gaydar but his relationship-dar as well.

He picked out five couples from the streets of LA to see whether he could guess, from a few simple questions, whether they were together or just friends.

Same-sex pair 1

Same-sex pair 1

Same-sex pair 2

Same-sex pair 2

Same-sex pair 3

Same-sex pair 3

Same-sex pair 4

Same-sex pair 4

Same-sex pair 5

Same-sex pair 5

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The post Are these same-sex couples together or just friends? appeared first on Gay Star News.

Joe Morgan

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