Jon Stewart Congratulates Conservatives On Their ‘WTF’ Wins At SCOTUS: VIDEO

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Jon Stewart Congratulates Conservatives On Their ‘WTF’ Wins At SCOTUS: VIDEO

Jon Stewart

On last night’s The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took to task the so-called “conservative victories” at the Supreme Court this week. Stewart was referencing decisions that upheld the constitutionality of lethal injection and overturned new EPA regulations aimed at limiting the amount of mercury power plants are allowed to release into the air.

Said Stewart,

“So yes gay people have the right to marry and poor people have the right to insurance but on the bright side Americans can still kill prisoners painfully and everyone else slowly.”

Watch the two part send-up of these ‘WTF’ wins, below:

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Sean Mandell

Jon Stewart Congratulates Conservatives On Their ‘WTF’ Wins At SCOTUS: VIDEO

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