Tennessee Hardware Store Posts ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign In Response To SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

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Tennessee Hardware Store Posts ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign In Response To SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

Tennessee hardware store

Backlash against the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage continues. A Tennessee hardware store owner has posted a sign in the window of his store that reads, “NO GAYS ALLOWED” in response to the Court’s ruling.

Jeff Amyx, the owner of Amyx Hardware and Roofing Supplies in the eastern county of Grainger, said that he posted the sign because “gay and lesbian couples are against his religion”, as WBIR puts it. Amyx added that the Supreme Court’s decision and the public outpouring of support for LGBT rights inspired him to put his bigotry on display.


Amyx, who is also a baptist minister, said he realized Monday morning that homosexual people are not afraid to stand for what they believe in. He said it showed him that Christian people should be brave enough to stand for what they believe in.

“They gladly stand for what they believe in, why can’t I? They believe their way is right, I believe it’s wrong. But yet I’m going to take more persecution than them because I’m standing for what I believe in,” Amyx said.

The sign was brought to the attention of WBIR on Facebook.

Amyx says he no plans to take it down.

(Photo via WBIR)

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Sean Mandell

Tennessee Hardware Store Posts ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign In Response To SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

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