Guys Confess Their Struggles With Body Image. Anything Sound Familiar?
It isn’t always easy to talk about body image. On the one had, we know we can’t live up to the impossibly high bar that’s put out constantly in mainstream media. It’s an ideal that for the vast majority of people is unattainable even if they had the time and resources to invest.
But on the other hand, we like what we like. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with feeling attracted to someone, even if they are of the glossy magazine variety. We’ve certainly posted more than a few underwear-clad models over the years.
We try to shoot for a happy medium, though. You can have your underwear models if that’s what you’re into, but what about guys with bellies, older foxes or bubble butts?
There are so many beautiful people out there that don’t fit neatly into a box.
We asked Whisper to look into what guys struggling with body image were saying.
Here’s what they found:
Dan Tracer
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