Penn State Fraternity Pledge Sues After Being Raped During Rush Party

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Penn State Fraternity Pledge Sues After Being Raped During Rush Party

600_frat_houseIn a mirror image of the debate over sexual violence against women on college campuses, Reginald Stewart is suing another man, Charles Gibson, and the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, alleging he was raped while intoxicated.

Stewart, 19 when the incident took place in 2013, attended a rush party hoping to join the fraternity. The lawsuit claims that he was served several drinks by fraternity members, even though they knew he was underage and ever after he had reached a point of inebriation.

Related: Male College Student Bravely Opens Up About Being Raped By Another Guy

According to court documents, Stewart was escorted back to his dorm by Gibson and another frat brother. When he regained consciousness, Gibson was penetrating him anally without his consent, but he was too drunk to fight off the attack.

Stewart claims he contracted HPV and had to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair damage to his rectum.

Like similar incidents involving male on female rape, this one boils down to a “he said, he said” fight. According to Philly Mag, Gibson doesn’t deny having sex with Stewart that evening, but he claims it was consensual. He also denies giving Stewart HPV, calling the lawsuit “frivolous.” (HPV is an extremely common STD that can lead to anal cancer if not monitored and treated later in life.)

Philly Mag points out that this is not the first time a Phi Kappa Psi fraternity has been the target of sexual assault allegations and hazing allegations. In 2013, a hazing incident at the University of West Virginia resulted in criminal charges and the frat’s suspension.

Stewart seeking $450,000 in damages for the personal injury, assault and battery claims.

Related: Frat Boy Dishes On What It’s Like To Be Gay And Greek

h/t: Uptown Magazine

Graham Gremore

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